
Everything You Need to Know About Machine Guarding in Ontario

Everything You Need to Know About Machine Guarding in Ontario

Machine guarding in Ontario is treated differently than just about anywhere else in North America. Machine guarding compliance in Ontario is both scrutinized and enforced. If Machine guarding employs so called safety devices that signal the machine to stop, a formal Pre-Start Health and Safety Review (PSR) must be conducted. This report is conducted by licensed and fully insured Ontario Professional Engineers. These reports are often scrutinized by government inspection officials who work for the Ontario Ministry of Labor (MOL). The MOL employs over 400 inspectors to communicate and enforce Ontario’s Health and Safety Regulations.

In Ontario, machine guarding has become important and strategic. An enlightened manufacturer can turn Machine guarding compliance in to a strategic competitive advantage. There are literally millions of combinations and permutation of machine guarding the can be applied to any machine. However, the solutions that pay dividends and create the competitive advantage have 3 things in common. They are compliant to the Technical Safety Standards, they are Operationally Efficient and they are User Friendly. When professional designers and equipment users get together then this magic happens. Machine guarding creates Standard Work and the most efficient work path for the operator and maintenance personnel. Optimized Standard Work is the back bone of Lean Manufacturing Principles. The payback for such solutions can have net present values in the seven figure range. Eight figures for larger equipment.

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