The Purchasing Specification Approach
How do you know that your Newly Purchased Equipment going to Arrive Compliant?
The purchasing spec approach was pioneered by S.A.F.E. Engineering Inc.(SAFE)
It is a means by which your firm can have a new machine delivered that is fully compliant and ready to operate.
How does it work?
See the following excerpt from an article on S.A.F.E. Engineering Inc. that appeared in The Purchasing Management Association’s Byline Magazine.
“This is how it works. When purchasers set out contract specifications, they need to add a clause requiring that the equipment must be OHSA- compliant. S.A.F.E. Engineering then takes the engineering drawings and works with vendors. After ensuring that the equipment meets the required specifications, we sign the PSR report.”
The first step in this process is to create a compliance specification for the equipment to be purchased. This compliance specification details what codes and standards are to be complied with and what documentation SAFE will required for review to establish compliance. These requirements are embedded in the agreement to purchase and become part of the legal contract.
Second, SAFE will work with the OEM to review safety system design and provide assistance with the safety system design, if required.
Third, upon equipment delivery, SAFE will provide on-site verification of equipment compliance. If the compliance recommendations have not been implemented then the upgrades are expedited by SAFE and paid for out of the contractual hold back payment.
Fourth, SAFE will validate compliance by providing a Pre-Start Health and Safety Review Report (PSR/PSHR) signed and sealed by fully insured Ontario Professional Engineer(s) in the appropriate disciplines.