

4 07, 2019

Automaker websites should target over-50s

By admin|Uncategorized|

Subaru ranks highest among auto manufacturer websites in satisfying Canadian new-vehicle shoppers, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2008 Canadian Manufacturer Web Site Evaluation Study. Now in its third year, the study examines Canadian manufacturer websites from the viewpoint of shoppers who intend to purchase a new vehicle within the next 12 months. Four [...]

4 07, 2019

Hydration is the key to summer fun and safety   

By admin|Uncategorized|

Summer is here and with it Canadians turn to sun-filled outdoor activities, which means they need to take a few simple steps to reduce their risk of suffering dehydration and heat-related ailments over the summer months. "To safeguard against dangerous bouts of dehydration, adults and children alike, need to continuously refresh their bodies with fluids, [...]

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