
Pre-Start Health and Safety Tips that Increase Productivity

When a Professional Engineer conducts a Pre-Start Health and Safety Review he or she will make recommendations. This can profoundly affect the ultimate operational efficiency of the machine and therefore indirectly the factory.

This is especially true when the Engineer conducting the Pre-Start Health and Safety Review finds that there are compliance issues to be corrected. The correction often involves the re-design of the safety control system. It may also involve installing additional guarding. Therefore, the Pre-Start Health and Safety Review in Ontario acts as a tool to make sure accidents and injury in the workplace is preventable. These safety control system elements will determine, in part, how the machine is operated. By adding guarding and changing the safety control system, you are changing the work path and procedures for that machine.

The questions are, do the changes make the machine compliant? Do these changes make the machine more user friendly? Do these changes make the machine more operationally efficient?

To ensure that this is the case, the changes recommended in the Pre-Start Health and Safety Review need to be developed consultatively with the individuals who knows the system the best. They are usually the machine operators and maintenance personnel of the company. The Pre-Start Health and Safety Review in Ontario suggest developing these solutions as a team with an experienced engineering organization. The overall results are better operational efficiency as compared to before, when there was no machine guarding.

Guarded machinery is trusted machinery. We work better and faster on machinery that we trust. We therefore suggest following the guidelines as mentioned in a Pre-Start Healthy and Safety Review Ontario.

This is the best way to follow up on a Pre-Start Health and Safety Review that identifies compliance issues.

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