
Employee Safety

26 06, 2024

The Need for Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSRs) Before Your Next Inspection

By admin|PSR|

Maintaining a safe work environment is crucial for the well-being of your employees and the smooth operation of any business. This includes complying with all relevant health and safety regulations. With upcoming Ministry of Labor inspections in Ontario, ensuring the workplace meets these standards is crucial. Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSRs) are valuable for achieving this [...]

By admin|PSR|
5 03, 2024

Unveiling Top Safety Tips to Prepare Workplace for New Technologies

By admin|Workplace Safety|

The rapid integration of new technologies into the workplace is inevitable. From artificial intelligence to robotics, these advancements promise efficiency and productivity. However, integrating such innovations necessitates emphasizing workplace health and safety in Ontario and elsewhere. The fusion of cutting-edge technology with robust safety practices ensures not only the well-being of employees but also the [...]

14 11, 2023

Safety Engineering in Modern Dairy Production – SAFE Engineering, Inc.

By admin|Workplace Safety|

The importance of safety engineering in dairy production facilities cannot be overstated. The integration of Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews (PHSR) into these facilities ensures a safer, more efficient, and compliant environment, ultimately leading to higher productivity and employee well-being. In this article, we will explore the critical role of PHSR, especially within the context [...]

31 08, 2023

Ontario’s Pre-Startup Safety Shift Unveiled – S.A.F.E Engineering

By admin|PHSR|

The landscape of workplace safety has undergone a significant transformation over the years, particularly in Ontario, where industrial activities thrive. The evolution from pre-development review (PDR) to pre-startup safety review (PSR) signifies a remarkable shift in ensuring the well-being of workers and compliance with regulations. In this narrative, we'll delve into this historical shift and [...]

By admin|PHSR|
23 08, 2023

Uncovering Employer Obligations in Health and Safety – S.A.F.E Engineering

By admin|PHSR|

Ensuring the workplace health and safety in Ontario of employees has never been more critical. Employers hold a significant responsibility not only for the productivity and success of their businesses but also for the well-being of their workforce. This article delves into the multifaceted role that employers play in maintaining a safe workplace, highlighting their [...]

By admin|PHSR|
8 08, 2023

Understanding Storage Limits in Flammable Cabinets – S.A.F.E Engineering

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Flammable liquid storage plays a pivotal role in various industries, powering manufacturing processes and fueling scientific advancements. However, the potential of these liquids to ignite and pose hazards requires diligent adherence to flammable cabinet storage guidelines. This article delves into the nuances of safely storing these substances and sheds light on the importance of maintaining [...]

4 07, 2023

The Key to a Safe Manufacturing Environment: Evaluating Equipment Protection

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Ensuring a safe manufacturing environment is essential for both the well-being of workers and compliance with regulations. One crucial aspect of achieving this is evaluating equipment protection measures, specifically machine guarding. Machine guarding ratings, requirements, and standards play a pivotal role in safeguarding workers and minimizing the risk of accidents. In this article, we will [...]

29 06, 2023

Embracing a Proactive Approach to Guarding Regulations – SAFE Engineering, Inc.

By admin|Workplace Safety|

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the safety and well-being of workers remain paramount. With the increasing focus on workplace safety, machine guarding regulations have taken center stage. These regulations are designed to protect workers from hazards associated with machinery, ensuring a safe working environment. In Ontario, companies like SAFE Engineering, Inc., have emerged as [...]

14 06, 2023

From Compliance to Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Safety Measures

By admin|Workplace Safety|

In Ontario, ensuring the safety of industrial equipment is a critical priority for businesses. With stringent regulations and guidelines in place, organizations must go beyond mere compliance to achieve excellence in equipment safety. This article explores the shift from compliance to excellence, highlighting actionable steps such as inspections, training, and cultivating a strong safety culture. [...]

2 06, 2023

Safety Cabinet Labeling for Flammable Liquids: What’s Required?

By admin|Workplace Safety|

When it comes to handling flammable liquids in the workplace, safety should always be the top priority. Proper storage and handling of these volatile substances are essential to minimize accidents and protect both employees and the environment. One key aspect of ensuring safety is the labeling of safety cabinets used for storing flammable liquids. In [...]

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