
Risk Assessment

26 06, 2024

The Need for Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSRs) Before Your Next Inspection

By admin|PSR|

Maintaining a safe work environment is crucial for the well-being of your employees and the smooth operation of any business. This includes complying with all relevant health and safety regulations. With upcoming Ministry of Labor inspections in Ontario, ensuring the workplace meets these standards is crucial. Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSRs) are valuable for achieving this [...]

By admin|PSR|
3 06, 2024

The Importance of Fire and Explosion Risk Assessments in the Manufacturing Industry

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Fire and explosion risks are a significant concern in the manufacturing industry. These hazards can lead to devastating consequences, including loss of life, substantial financial losses, and severe damage to property and equipment. Therefore, thorough fire and explosion risk assessments must be considered. They are crucial for identifying potential dangers and implementing effective safety measures. [...]

27 01, 2023

Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in the Aerospace Industry

By admin|PHSR|

There’s potential exposure to a range of hazards in the aerospace industry, both in internal and external environments. It’s important to manage such hazards and devise solutions to mitigate associated exposure with the help of an expert. To ensure workplace health and safety in Ontario, many aviation and aerospace companies have begun to invest in [...]

By admin|PHSR|
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