
Why Due Diligence Matters: A Guide for Engineers Conducting the PSR

In Canada, business owners, employers, and lessees not only need to understand the PSR but also implement and enforce it. Only then can they expect workers to comply with the rules and codes. However, it’s just as important for engineers who perform a pre-startup safety review to fully understand the process.

Protecting Companies and Employees

Without a working Pre-Start Health and Safety Review or PSHSR, companies could face serious consequences. First, Ontario mandates the review. Second, it ensures they stay compliant. Third, it protects them from legal action.

A PSR identifies hazards associated with the equipment, structure or process that could expose a worker to injury during routine operation. The goal of a PSR is hazard elimination or control before the apparatus, protective element, structure or process is started up or used in a factory. it’s critical to use a highly qualified engineer to perform a pre-start health and safety review.

Due Diligence Considerations

Before hiring just any engineer, companies need to verify their qualifications that encompass education, training, and experience.

According to the Professional Engineers Act, they can receive discipline in a variety of conditions. These include:

  • Failing to offer reasonable provisions for safeguarding both health and life
  • Negligence
  • Failing to make responsible proviso specific to comply with any applicable statutes
  • Taking on work they’re not competent to perform

Engineer’s Requirements

For an engineer to qualify to perform a Pre-Start Safety Review, they must specialize in either one branch of engineering or one particular area of expertise. in many instances a multidiscipline team of professional engineering is required to conduct a PSHSR. The engineer shall have a certificate of authorization issues by PEO, have minimum 5 years of experience and have a minimum of $ 3million in errors an emission insurance.

Additional Due Diligence Criteria

Section 31(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act states that an engineer who provides advice to the client hold personal (not company) liability.. Also, Section 66(1) of OSHA says that anyone who doesn’t comply with any provision of this Act is guilty of an offense. In addition, they can face conviction that consists of a hefty fine, time in jail, or both.

They must also adhere to the requirements for the evaluation portion of the PSHSR. That ensures they take all reasonable precautions. Other things to factor in include following the PEO Guideline, creating a clear scope of work, and documenting everything they do.

Hire a Trusted Source

Our engineers at S.A.F.E. Engineering, Inc. stay up-to-date on all aspects of the Pre-Start Health and Safety Review. When you need professional assistance for PSR due diligence and compliance, give us a call.

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