
Health and Safety Policy

18 12, 2022

4 Changes That Streamline the Process of Pre-Start Review

By admin|Workplace Safety|

When it comes to using machinery and equipment, nothing is more important than staying safe. Even seemingly harmless devices can cause injuries to operators and other people. To reduce harm and other incidents, employees should follow certain regulations. These requirements also help to ensure efficiency in the workplace. A pre-start health and safety review can [...]

4 01, 2022

Understanding the 5 W’s of Pre-start Health & Safety Reviews

By admin|PHSR|

According to Section 7 of Canada’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, some companies in Ontario need a professional review. Performed by a qualified engineer, this pertains to industrial structures, protective element processes, and apparatuses. Commonly referred to as a PHSR, this ensures compliance with current health and safety standards. A Breakdown of the Pre-Start Health [...]

By admin|PHSR|
12 08, 2021

Is Creating a Safe Working Environment Important?

By admin|PHSR|

Initially, that question might seem silly. However, by breaking it down, you can better define a “safe working environment.” With that, you’ll gain new insights as to why it’s so critical. It doesn’t matter if you own a small company with 10 employees or a large corporation with 1,000 plus workers. The best thing you [...]

By admin|PHSR|
21 07, 2021

Understanding the Significance of an Effective Health and Safety Program

By admin|PHSR|

While it’s hard to admit, it often takes a devastating event for people to gain a new perspective about the importance of health and safety. Two recent examples are the COVID-19 pandemic and the Surfside condominium collapse in Florida. Not only did these events affect traditional households but also businesses stretching across multiple industries. Regarding [...]

By admin|PHSR|
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