
Pre-Startup Safety

7 07, 2021

Ensuring Workplace Safety With a PHSR Checklist

By admin|PHSR|

Owning a business comes with tremendous responsibility. Whether a small family-owned operation or a large corporation with a board of directors, the goal is to create a safe, healthy, and productive work environment. However, that doesn’t occur by happenstance. For smart business owners, it starts with having a pre-start up safety review performed. What Is [...]

By admin|PHSR|
10 06, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding a PSR

By admin|PSR|

In Canada, the Ministry of Labor establishes and enforces specific rules and regulations for businesses. One of these is a PSR. The problem is that some companies are not sure what this is, whether they need one, and how it would benefit them. Below are some of the questions asked most often about a PSR [...]

By admin|PSR|
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