
Machine Safety

7 02, 2023

Importance of Risk Rating in Machine Safety

By admin|Workplace Safety|

To qualify as an engineer who performs health and safety reviews, an individual must have expertise in a specific field of engineering along with Canadian codes and standards. However, for companies that utilize machinery as part of their operations, an engineer requires even more expertise. Specifically, they need to know the right way to conduct [...]

18 12, 2022

4 Changes That Streamline the Process of Pre-Start Review

By admin|Workplace Safety|

When it comes to using machinery and equipment, nothing is more important than staying safe. Even seemingly harmless devices can cause injuries to operators and other people. To reduce harm and other incidents, employees should follow certain regulations. These requirements also help to ensure efficiency in the workplace. A pre-start health and safety review can [...]

20 10, 2022

Machine Safety Myths That Need Debunking

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Any misconceptions regarding machine safety can impact your business negatively. Ignoring safety protocols affects not only operational efficiency but also your reputation. There’s also the rising cost of penalties when a machine is non-compliant. A machine safety specialist can help you face these issues head-on. Such experts have the engineering expertise to ensure your machines [...]

9 06, 2022

How to Secure Your Operations & Increase Workforce Productivity?

By admin|Workplace Safety|

It's essential to follow regulatory procedures and safe practices to enhance workplace productivity. To secure operations at your production facility, consider machine guarding in Ontario. The CCOHS (Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety) regards machine guarding as a standard procedure. Here’s why it's important. What is Machine Guarding? Machine guarding is a necessary measure [...]

7 05, 2021

Common Machine Guarding Mistakes That Must Be Avoided By Manufacturers

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Today, many manufacturing companies use the most advanced machines available. However, that doesn’t automatically eliminate potential risks to employees and contractors. This is where machine safety specialists can help. Why Information From Machine Safety Consultants Matters Even a small accident in the manufacturing environment can prove disastrous. When things go wrong, there’s a risk of [...]

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