
Pre-Start Review

29 03, 2023

How Health and Safety Programs Strengthen Employees

By admin|PHSR|

As someone who works in a provincially regulated businesses in Canada, you have both rights and responsibilities. The same applies to employers. Some of the most important responsibilities of employers involve implementing and enforcing an Ontario workplace health and safety program. Employer Responsibilities A program for workplace health and safety in Ontario benefits employees in [...]

By admin|PHSR|
22 03, 2022

When Is Pre-Start Health and Safety Audit Required?

By admin|PHSR|

In your business, precision, accuracy, and speed are also vital components of success. To produce quality products for your customers, you need skilled workers, good processes, and reliable machinery. If any of these facets are not performing well, your operations will suffer. In addition, the absence of these elements can compromise safety. This is where [...]

By admin|PHSR|
22 02, 2022

Occupational Health & Safety Legislation — What’s new?

By admin|PHSR|

When a person looks for a place to work, there are many crucial elements to consider. The prospective employee wants to do something he or she can enjoy and excel in. But perhaps most critically, the individual needs to know that this environment will be safe. Workers should know that even if there are serious [...]

By admin|PHSR|
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