

27 01, 2023

Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in the Aerospace Industry

By admin|PHSR|

There’s potential exposure to a range of hazards in the aerospace industry, both in internal and external environments. It’s important to manage such hazards and devise solutions to mitigate associated exposure with the help of an expert. To ensure workplace health and safety in Ontario, many aviation and aerospace companies have begun to invest in [...]

By admin|PHSR|
20 01, 2023

Role of Safety Consultants in Minimizing Carbon Footprint

By admin|PHSR|

Various business activities, including manufacturing and transportation, contribute to Canada’s carbon footprint. To reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, many companies have taken a greener approach. Safety consultants in Toronto recommend awareness and training programs for a productive workplace. The guide below can help you understand the importance of safety consultants in organizations. Safety Consultants Assist [...]

By admin|PHSR|
22 03, 2022

When Is Pre-Start Health and Safety Audit Required?

By admin|PHSR|

In your business, precision, accuracy, and speed are also vital components of success. To produce quality products for your customers, you need skilled workers, good processes, and reliable machinery. If any of these facets are not performing well, your operations will suffer. In addition, the absence of these elements can compromise safety. This is where [...]

By admin|PHSR|
22 02, 2022

Occupational Health & Safety Legislation — What’s new?

By admin|PHSR|

When a person looks for a place to work, there are many crucial elements to consider. The prospective employee wants to do something he or she can enjoy and excel in. But perhaps most critically, the individual needs to know that this environment will be safe. Workers should know that even if there are serious [...]

By admin|PHSR|
4 01, 2022

Understanding the 5 W’s of Pre-start Health & Safety Reviews

By admin|PHSR|

According to Section 7 of Canada’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, some companies in Ontario need a professional review. Performed by a qualified engineer, this pertains to industrial structures, protective element processes, and apparatuses. Commonly referred to as a PHSR, this ensures compliance with current health and safety standards. A Breakdown of the Pre-Start Health [...]

By admin|PHSR|
24 11, 2021

How to Get Started With a PHSR Program

By admin|PHSR|

One of the best ways to enhance workplace health and safety is to have an assessment done of the work environment. More specifically, Ontario business owners need to take advantage of a pre-start health and safety review, also referred to as a PHSR. What Is a PHSR? Ontario businesses need to have a pre-startup safety [...]

By admin|PHSR|
5 11, 2021

4 Impactful Ways to Improve the “Safety” Culture in the Workplace

By admin|PHSR|

Especially in the manufacturing, processing, and materials handling industries, employees need to feel safe while on the job. By creating a healthy and safe work environment, you’ll probably notice a few positive changes. That includes improved morale, higher production, and fewer mistakes. To achieve this goal, incorporate a workplace health and safety program into your [...]

By admin|PHSR|
8 10, 2021

Responsible Employers Can Improve Employee Health and Safety in Just 4 Steps

By admin|PHSR|

As a responsible business owner, you want daily operations to run as smoothly as possible. A big part of that has to do with keeping your employees healthy and safe. Well, as you know, industrial work environments have unique risks. However, according to leading health and safety consultants in Ontario, you can achieve this goal [...]

By admin|PHSR|
15 09, 2021

Preventative Measures for Common Causes of Fire Explosion

By admin|PHSR|

If you have a business that deals with flammable or combustible liquid materials, it’s important to learn about and take preventative measures for the most common causes of fire explosion. Viable Options to Prevent a Fire Explosion According to the top fire and explosion consultants, there are several ways to prevent an accident from occurring. [...]

By admin|PHSR|
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