
Safety at Workplace

19 04, 2023

Why Attitude Matters: A Closer Look at Workplace Safety in Manufacturing

By admin|Workplace Safety|

When it comes to ensuring workplace safety in manufacturing, attitude matters just as much as procedures and protocols. Workers and managers alike need to embrace a positive safety culture to prevent accidents and injuries. Let’s take a closer look at why attitude matters in workplace safety and how health and safety consultants in Ontario can [...]

20 03, 2023

Minimizing Accidents in Manufacturing Setups with Proper Machine Safeguarding

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Manufacturing setups are riddled with heavy machinery and equipment that pose significant risks to the workers operating them. These machines, if not handled with care, can cause severe injury and, in some cases, even fatalities. To prevent such incidents, machine guarding services are imperative to ensure the safety of the workers. In this blog, we [...]

15 02, 2023

Why Due Diligence Matters: A Guide for Engineers Conducting the PSR

By admin|PHSR|

In Canada, business owners, employers, and lessees not only need to understand the PSR but also implement and enforce it. Only then can they expect workers to comply with the rules and codes. However, it’s just as important for engineers who perform a pre-startup safety review to fully understand the process. Protecting Companies and Employees [...]

By admin|PHSR|
9 05, 2022

Basics of Flammable Liquids to Keep Your Employees Safe

By admin|Workplace Safety|

In any job, safety should be the top concern of leaders and employees. Incidents can happen in any industry. However, in jobs that work with chemicals and flammable materials, the chances of injuries are greater. You and your team can avoid accidents if you follow safety procedures. It is also important to understand flammable liquid [...]

22 03, 2022

When Is Pre-Start Health and Safety Audit Required?

By admin|PHSR|

In your business, precision, accuracy, and speed are also vital components of success. To produce quality products for your customers, you need skilled workers, good processes, and reliable machinery. If any of these facets are not performing well, your operations will suffer. In addition, the absence of these elements can compromise safety. This is where [...]

By admin|PHSR|
9 03, 2022

Why Is It Necessary to Invest in a Quality Machine Guarding?

By admin|Workplace Safety|

When it comes to running a production facility, speed, efficiency, and quality are vital. You need equipment you can rely on to quickly and accurately help roll out products. But not only must this equipment work effectively, but it also must be safe to operate. Part of this involves your employees and how careful and [...]

28 12, 2021

How Taking the Right Precautions Makes Machinery Safe for Workers

By admin|PSR|

Your biggest responsibility as a business owner is to provide your employees with a safe work environment. That means making sure that machinery operates smoothly and workers perform tasks correctly. To achieve this and more, hire a safety consultant for your Toronto company. Although machine safety consultants focus on all equipment, they particularly pay close [...]

By admin|PSR|
7 09, 2021

How to Bring Safety Issues to Your Employees’ Attention

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Especially for warehouses, factories, plants, and production facilities, safety is paramount. To protect both workers and outside visitors, you’ll need to establish good internal communication and implement a health and safety program. Establishing a Safe and Positive Work Environment You want your managers to have an open-door policy. That way, employees feel comfortable addressing anything [...]

7 05, 2021

Common Machine Guarding Mistakes That Must Be Avoided By Manufacturers

By admin|Workplace Safety|

Today, many manufacturing companies use the most advanced machines available. However, that doesn’t automatically eliminate potential risks to employees and contractors. This is where machine safety specialists can help. Why Information From Machine Safety Consultants Matters Even a small accident in the manufacturing environment can prove disastrous. When things go wrong, there’s a risk of [...]

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